The Food Pyramid Designed to KILL

Shalom Brothers and Sisters,

The things that you are about to read is going to shock you, open your eyes to a lot if things and inform you of what's really going on that you will not get from the media or from your suppose to be prophets or apostles. Most people do not know where and why was the food pyramid designed and who designed it. Remember always ask who, what, when, where, why and how. Ask yourself why is there four basic food groups. Understand that the number 4 plays a big part of the elites numerology of their control and order. Example there are 4 gospels 4 seasons 4 sides to a square 4 elements 4 corners of the earth 4 food groups etc.. do you see a pattern here. To fully understand about this big scheme of this four basic food groups and the food group pyramid you must understand it's evolvement and who, and why in which I'm going to cover in this article. Now the title of this article will serve it's purpose once you get finish reading this but first lets get into some history to get a clear understanding who's behind this agenda of murder.

In the 18th century there was a man by the name of Karl Marx who was a communist revolutionary. He played a key factor in the development of modern communism and socialism. He argued and believed that socialism in it's turn would replace capitalism in which this would lead to a state and classless society which would be no more than pure communism. Marx was pushing for a communist and socialist society under a dictatorship in which he wrote "The Communist Manifesto" published in 1848 AD. This was his blue print to socialism and complete control of society and the world. You may asking what does this has to do with the food group pyramid, well it has a lot to do with it. You will begin to see once I show you one of the area that Karl stated that must be taken control of to push the communist and socialist agenda and to depopulate the planet. Do I need to mention that Adolf Hitler adopted Karl Marx's ideas of communism and socialism which lead to the death of many innocent people and now those same ideas are being executed in America.

To this communist manifesto were 10 steps to be taken but we are only going to focus on 3 of these and they are numbers 7-9 which states:

Extension of factories and instruments of production owned by the State; the bringing into cultivation of waste-lands, and the improvement of the soil generally in accordance with a common plan.

Equal liability of all to labour. Establishment of industrial armies, especially for agriculture.

Combination of agriculture with manufacturing industries; gradual abolition of the distinction between town and country, by a more equitable distribution of the population over the country.

Now this plan if you pay attention to the first paragraph that states that factories and instruments of production owned by the State; the bringing into cultivation of waste-lands. This gives the state control over production of the cultivation of waste-lands. I'm not going to get into how the federal government has taken control of the states fraudulent but ask yourself what does this means. Well cultivation in which the root word is cultivate which means to improve and prepare (land), as by plowing or fertilizing, for raising crops, so this is farming. Now what are waste-lands: it's the unused or neglected lands of industrial area. So what the government does is go and cut down a forest area and consider it waste-land I will get back to this later.

Now the next one states:Establishment of industrial armies, especially for agriculture. First of all what is agriculture:
The science or practice of farming, including cultivation of the soil for the growing of crops and the rearing of animals to provide food, wool, and other products. So Karl Marx stated that there must be an establishment industrial armies in which industrial is referring to a company or agency. I will get into the last one in a minute but lets focus on this industrial armies which I stated industrial is referring to a company or agency. Now what company or agency do you think is over agriculture? None other than the USDA and the FDA. These two go hand in hand.

In 1862 President Lincoln established the independent Department of Agriculture and the head of this was to be that of a commissioner without cabinet status which he called it the people's department. There was a struggle to raise the DA to cabinet status in which in 1887 the House of Representatives and the Senate passed the bill but later thrown out but in 1889 President Cleveland signed a bill into law elevation the DA to a cabinet level.

Now in 1887 under the Hatch Act which the Federal government gave funds to establish agriculture experiment stations in each state. The agriculture experiment stations conducted scientific research to solve problems and give suggestions in improving the food and agriculture industry. These scientists works along side of the farmers, ranchers, suppliers and processors. So ask yourself why these farmers and so on need scientists help in improving the food and agriculture industry. Under the Smith-Lever Act of 1914 which is a Federal Law that established and funded the cooperative extension services in each state that taught the youth about the 4-H. This was designed to begin their indoctrination of the youth about the benefits of trusting the USDA to educate them on agriculture and economics thus fulfilling part of Karl Marx's Communist Manifesto step 10 control the education.

So they begin to reach out to the kids and under the Agriculture Act of 1949 provided assistance to the states in establishing the school lunch programs. As you can see how the ideas of communist Karl Marx is being implemented in the US by complete control of agriculture and the establishing of industrial armies ( agencies ) to push the communist agenda. I'm going to get into it soon showing you how all this ties into using the pyramid to kill. Think about it what comes to mind when you think of a pyramid.... I think of pyramid scheme and that's what exactly what the food pyramid and the four basic food groups are a big scheme to get rich and depopulate the earth.

The FDA is responsible for the protection and supervision of food safety but the thing is they are not by law or required to research what's in the food. As long as it look good put on the market. Did you know that the Public Health Service Act of 1944 is not directly related to food or drugs and it's part of the FDA. What!? You mean to tell me that it has nothing to do with food WOW. So you see how these two agencies work hand in hand. The USDA brings their genetically modified foods to the FDA and they approve it to go straight to the grocery stores. The FDA is a reform off of the Pure Food and Drug Act of 1906. They provided federal inspections of meat products. Can you see Karl Marx's ideas are in use by taking control of agriculture. By doing this you can control what the masses are eating. So if I wanted to depopulate the earth with out raising a questions why are people dying and make a profit why not poison them through their food. In order to do that I must take control of the production, processing, distribution and marketing of the food industry. Then turn around and use my scientist to lie and say this is good for you and design a structure to go by and label it nutrition. That's what the food pyramid is reported by the USDA to be, a pyramid or chart to nutrition but has been proven to be far from that.

The first food pyramid was published in 1974 in Sweden and was published in 1992 the US. In 1972 Sweden's National Board of Health and Welfare developed the basic food groups that suppose to be nutritious and affordable. Now the USDA's first nutrition guidelines were published in 1894 by Dr Wilbur Olin Atwater. Before it became the basic 4 it was the basic 7 in 1943 during WWII. From 1956 to 1992 the USDA recommended the basic four. The pyramid is broken down into 6 parts with 4 groups. The four groups consist off Dairy products, Meats, Fruits and Vegetables and Bread, Cereal, Rice & Pasta. Now lets dig into this by each group. The top of the pyramid consist of Fats, Oils and Sweets.

Lets start with the first one on the list and that's Dairy Products. Before I get started, did you know that the dairy industry is big business and rake in millions if not billions of dollars to the corporations. These companies such as Pet, Land O'Lake, Flavor O Rich, Dairy Farmers of America etc.. there are over 100 dairy companies that is benefiting and profiting off of dairy products. According to the USDA and the FDA dairy products and calcium build strong bones that's one of the biggest lies ever told. One of the biggest producer of dairy is milk. Did you that the cows that produce this milk is put under extreme stress I will get further into this in the meat section. You may be wondering how is dairy is bad for us. I thought we need milk and calcium to build strong bones and teeth. Remember earlier in this article that they set up to educate the youth in which they indoctrinate them with lies and through the media they lie to the masses having them believe this to be true when they know the effects of calcium. They tell you this because these corporations pay big money to the government to pass through FDA inspections and they label it FDA approved or USDA approved.

See it's all about the money. They won't tell you this in schools or in the media. They won't tell you that these companies are making a killing off of dairy and the FDA is being paid off to turn the other cheek while you are being poisoned. They will never tell you that bones are made up of minerals not calcium. They will never tell you that working your bones build strong bones, such as lifting weights put stress on the bones and just like muscle it gets stronger. They will never tell you that calcium is used to harden concrete and not bones, that's where there concept of calcium builds strong or hard bones but calcium actually weakens bones and make them fragile. They will never tell you that calcium causes obesity, type 2 diabetes and osteoporosis which occurs from the lack of minerals in bones. They won't tell you that calcium one of the causes of heart diseases. Milk and all dairy products contain cholesterol in which cholesterol clog arteries which leads to heart disease and even strokes. This causes a calcific plaque which hardens in the blood and this increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases and hypertension. They won't tell you that calcium causes type 2 Hypothyroidism.

Type 2 Hypothyroidism or thyroid hormone resistance is caused by an intracellular calcium to potassium imbalance in all the blood cells in the body, caused by far to much calcium and far to little of potassium inside the blood cells. This causes a raped in weight gain and difficulties losing weight, fatigue and lethargy and it leads to depression. If you are experiencing more than two of these symptoms go get tested for low thyroid hormone function.  They won't tell you that calcium deprive the stomach of acid and this leads to heart burn. They won't tell you that calcium causes birth defects. Do I need to say more. To much calcium is not good for the body it can kill but the USDA suggest 2-3 servings of dairy products per day this includes cheese as well do you know what this will do to your body. It will KILL you for sure but you see it advertise on TV, with the nice sandwich with extra cheese. It's been designed to kill you. Then when not if you get sick they supply you with medication can you see how they are making a killing off of the masses.

The next on this food pyramid list is Meat. Before I get into this one let me give you some statistics. Did you know that 2.4 million surgeries are performed each year in the US causing 12,000 deaths. At the age of 60 37% of the population takes 5 or more prescribe drugs per day. Over 30% of children in the US is over weight (obese). These are facts that they won't include in their nutrition studies cause this will mess up their business. It's recorded that that more than half a million men and women aged 50 to 70 following their diet and other health habits issued by the USDA for 10 years. Between 1995 and 2005 47,976 men and 23,276 women died. Why are so many dying from supposedly eating right. See what they don't tell you is the condition they put the farm animals through. They won't tell you that cows that are designed by nature are grass eaters but on these animal concentration camps that cows are feed dead cats, dogs, other dead cows, road kill and even their own feces. This leaves a lot of undigested rotting food in the cows stomach and the toxin is released into it's body and it ends up in your grocery store with FDA or USDA approved.

They won't tell you the chemicals shot into these cows so they can produce off spring faster produce milk faster and so they can grow faster. They won't tell you how you get tender steaks. They restrain the cows by chains in a pin not even big enough for the cow to stand so the cow will do less movement in which more movement will increase muscle mass but less movement will make the meat tender. They won't tell you that some off these cows are born deformed and the use them for their milk and meat. They won't tell you that at lest 20% of the cows by time for slaughter has develop cancer and a sickness equivalent if not the disease of HIV. They don't tell you the stress they put the chickens through how they inject them with growth hormones and after at least 30 to 40 days they must be killed if not they will die of a heart attack because of the rapid growth. They don't tell you when the eggs hatch after about 1 to 2 weeks the chick lets are thrown alive in a near grinder. They don't tell you that they cut of the beak of the chicken and is processed with the chicken made products. They don't tell you that they do the same thing to the chickens what they do to the cows so that the meat will be tender. So all these chemicals and growth hormones the inject into the animals you eat and digest. They don't tell you that these animals are forced feed by pushing a long pipe down there throat and their stomachs are pumped with food.

The pigs are treat worst. You are eating diseased meat that is pumping much toxin into your body. Meat raises the cholesterol which leads to heart disease, heart attacks and strokes. This comes from clogged arteries. I can't describe they things they put these animals through. Over 80% of the water supply goes to raise cattle over 85% of the vegetables grown goes to feed the cattle and over 80% of the trees are cut down to raise cattle. Why cause meat eating is a big business. Now ask yourself how is it that the meat in the grocery stores are high but these fast food restaurants can make it selling hamburgers for 99 cents. Did you know that eating meat weakens the immune system. Did you know that the body produces at least one cancer cell per day and it's your immune system thats fights off and kill cancer cells but if the immune system is weak how can it fight off the cancer cells it can't. So this leads to all type of cancers. Did you know cholesterol from eating meats killed more people than all the deaths from WWII, car accidents and violence in US history. Did you know that chicken has just as much as cholesterol in it than beef and steaks. See these government train DRs tell you that you must maintain your cholesterol levels under 200 when in fact cholesterol levels over 150 increases your chance of heart disease a heart attack and stroke. Did you know by the age of 50 all Americans have a form of cancer. They won't tell you that meat feeds cancer cells. If the people knew this then they wouldn't be eating at McDonalds, Hardees, BurgerKing, Wendy's, Arby's, Subway, etc.. this would mean for them a lost of profit on both ends, for the food chain business and for the pharmaceutical industry. Men did you know that meat lowers the libido (sex drive). This boosts sells in Viagra and other erectile deficiency.

40% of chicken have cancer before it reaches the grocery stores. Did you know that mad cow disease has the same symptoms of Alzheimer's. People do I need to say more. Eating meat kills and these people know this. People who stuck to their diet issued by nutritionist has died but they thought they was eating right. The Atkins diet and those weight watchers meals are toxic diets. Those who stuck on these toxin diets after the first year had their blood flow cut by 40%. So just think if you eat you recommend 2-3 servings of meat daily with your 2-3 servings of dairy daily how much cholesterol have you consume. You are a heart attack waiting to happen. I haven't cover all what's going on with meat products but I gave you enough to open your eyes to see it's been designed to kill you and make them rich and they don't tell you that meat is a cause of the common cold.

The next on the list is Fruits and Vegetables. Now these are the two that is far the best to eat. They boost the immune system to fight off all type of cancers. They provide all type of health benefits. Did you know that antioxidants determines how long you live and fruits and vegetables supply those antioxidants. They are they bodies medication. The more fruits and vegetables you eat lowers your chances of all cancers, heart diseases, strokes, heart attacks etc... and these people know this. They know that the leaves are for the healing of the nation. They know if you eat more fruits and vegetables that many illness will be cured so they can't have that, that will mess up business for them in power. The pharmaceutical industry will just come to a complete stop. Drug stores will begin to close. People will live longer. Did you know at the age of 60 you have reached the half way point of your life that according to scripture you have 60 more years to live but most men die between 50-75 women live a little longer.

You may be asking yourself, if fruits and vegetables are so good then why are they on the list. Well remember under the USDA the government controls cultivation. What does this means again. This means they control what's and how these fruits and vegetables are grown. They use their scientists to create these chemicals to pump into the soil to cause the plants to grow faster and they spray all these chemicals on to the plants. Plants have living organs that process and break down their food as well and these chemicals get into the plants cells. It gets much crazier than this. What I'm about to tell you will answer a lot of questions from what happen in 2006. First ask yourself how do plants produce seeds? Keep in mind it's all about the money, power and control.

Male plants produce pollen in which pollen is the reproduction of the male plant (it's his sperm) when pollen is transported to the female plant then it causes her to produce seed. There are to ways in which pollen can reach a female plant and that's by the male plant releasing pollen into the air and the wind carries it and so happen it lands on a female plant or it can be carried to the female plant by bees it's called pollination. This is how plants and bees work hand in hand like you scratch my back and I will do yours. What would happen if the bees are not able to carry that pollen to the female plant? The female can't produce seed. What if the female plant can't produce seed? No more fruits and vegetables. Now in 2006 something occurred which is called Spontaneous Hive Collapse in which all the bees disappeared. What if I have a company that makes genetically engineered seeds and I won't to market my company and capitalize of it how can I do that if the crops are producing their own seeds. How can I sell to the farmers if they have their own seeds? I can't so I would have to cause an epidemic in the sense of stopping these plants from producing. What better way than to get rid of the ones helping to carry on this process. That means I would have to get rid of the bees.

There is a company by the name of Monsanto listed on the NYSE that produces genetically engineered seeds this cuts out the need of the process of male and female plants. How so? Genetic engineering also called genetic modification is the manipulation by humans of an organism's genome using modern DNA technology. It's the introduction of foreign DNA or synthetic genes into the organism. This introduction eliminates the use of natural genetics between a male and female. There is another company that supplies Monsanto with chemicals to assist and that's Du Pont also listed on the NYSE. Now with these genetic modified seeds they can cut out pollination in which there is no use for bees. There is no telling what's being put into these seeds knowing that Du Pont makes freon for refrigerators and other deadly chemicals. So the farmers purchase these seeds thinking that they are growing natural produce but actually it's chemically made seeds that's very toxin and deadly. People think they are getting organic produce but they're not they are getting genetically engineered seeds.

Talking about making money. Now Monsanto supplies most of the seeds here in the US so what do you think that means? So they turned something that is very useful and that can help aid in the healing of our people into something that will further harm them.

The last one on the list is Bread, Rice & pasta. These products are loaded with yeast, flour and carbs. Undigested yeast and carbs are stored in the blood and later turned into sugar which leads to becoming diabetic and unwanted fat. Too much of these carbs and yeast are not good for you. It can cause health affects which can lead to other things. Now wheat and whole grains are good for but not if the seeds has been modified. To much flour can lead to a rise in cholesterol as well. The best thing is to buy from your local farmers who get their seeds from the plants and not the stores.

You can see Karl Marx's agenda well accepted in the US and by control of cultivation and agriculture how they can design a food pyramid that would be deadly to push their depopulation agenda and the people wouldn't have a clue but would accept it as being normal cause so many die of cancer, heart disease, heart attacks, strokes, diabetes etc.. and they wouldn't think it's linked to the food they are eating. I'm going to do another article on the chemicals they are using to kill of the population. I hope this article was a help and an eye opener to look at what you are eating and what you are feeding your kids. Hot dogs increases the chance of leukemia in children. I will cover all this as well in my next article on foods designed to kill, there is a lot more info that I couldn't right all. So until then Shalom.