women in rap videos

Shalom Brothers and Sisters,

I think it's time that I address the image that's plaguing our black women into that which is not pleasing to the Most High. It has been said that the morals of a nation depends on the modesty of their women. If the morals of the women of that nation is characterized by immoarlity then you can guarantee that that nation is a people of a low morality almost at a beast like state. The well being of that nation depends on their women. If those women degrade themselves then this will strick a low resepct in men for those women because they will not look at them as their queens and the stability and sustainability of that nation. So it's very imperative that she gets back to her roots and begin to stand as she once did.

She was in her all natural state not being reduced to chemical based manufacturing compound. Today is she being targeted for businesses purposes and to drive her with her nation further away from their foundation which is the Most High. Many corporations set out to profit off of this image by showcasing this image in the media as something of acceptance

As they become the target of the market can they shape the image of this woman to reflect that of all things except that image that is pleasing to the Most High. We can begin to see the change in the thinking of the women when they went from self pride to self hate. They would do anything to not look like those that fought so that they could have human rights and not state privileges. As the chemically dumb themselves down with products of such with a vast chose will this lower their moral not knowing that these products were designed to target them to continue to drive her nation further into the pit to the point of no return. With subliminal injection into their subconscious will they begin to lower their moral but also their self respect and will display their bodies for that of no value (money). So they don't mind displaying what they Most High said is our temple, to reduce it to a commodity of chose to bring forth revenue on an open market filled with "LUST".
Now with that being said lets jump into the precepts and see what the Most High say about the conduct, character and appearance of the woman should consist of.

1 Tim 2:9 In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest appearl, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array;

The first thing that the precpet points out is that women adorn themselves in modest appearl. The word adorn is suggesting that the woman will to that on which is of a proper order, appropriate and decent. This word modest is a synonym word of adorn but gives a more clear view. Another word that could be used is decorous which also notes that the woman should display herself in such a way that it demands respect and honor. Her dress in which I mean appearl should not be that of where it's so tight that it shows off ever inch and curve of her body and to have all her breasts hanging out along with her butt coming from up under her clothing. Now the antonym word for these words is unappropiate which I just described.

Now the next thing the precpet said was with shamefacedness and sobriety. This word shamefacedness has a very distinct and clear meaning. That meaning is simple, bashfulness towards men. In other words that woman should display a diffident character by being self conscious. She should display enough intelligence to know that no man should be viewing her body as if he is looking at a package of meat in a store or as if he's looking at a car that he has been longing for. She should not want no one that's not her husband to be touching or observing the characteristics that defines her physique. She should not want no one that's not her husband to be looking at her breast, butt or thighs as if she's a 3 piece dinner. Her self respect and dedication to the Most High should restrain her from doing such things. She should have a light a glow about herself that by her appearance should it send a message to any man that looks at her and the message she be if you want me then you must be one with the Most High and ready to make me your wife before we even step foot into any room that has a bed in it to be joined with me as one flesh.

Sobriety is having self control and a sound mind. To have a sound mind means to not have corrupt thinking that will lead to degradation of ones soul to the ruins of malice of the heart. To be highly intelligent and not to be easly provocked into a act of any kind of immorality. The woman with self control and a sound mind will always think from a righteous stand point because her mind is not corrupt but she thinks clearly and acts wisely in her actions and speech. She will not degrade herself for nothing of what is considered value for her value is in the Most High and in her husband if married (Proverbs 31). Because of the soundness of mind you will not see this woman displaying her physique from wearing tight clothing or even lose clothing.

Now the next 4 gives an almost prophetic utterance to the woman of today. If you put these 4 things into perspective (not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array;) you will summarize this up perfectly to fit todays condition of our black women. That summary will consist of Hair, Money, Jewelry and Fashion. This next list is the opposite of everything from the first one. The precept said "NOT WITH" which indicates that these things should be avoided because of the possibility, potential and influence that it has on those that will glance at it's glamor. This will soon catch the eye with pleasing persuasion to cause one to begin to seek after at all cost even if it means to degrade one self to obtain such glamor and richest. Lets start on the first one which is hair.

Did you know that your hair is made of living cells. The hair is first grown under the scalp. The hair is not just something on the head but is a direct reflection and image of yourself. Just like the precept said in 1 Cor 15:11 it's your glory. When you begin to put these products into your hair (glory) it begins to corrupt that glory. How so? Your hair is living cells that its roots is embedded into the scalp in which the skin is connected to the skull which house the brain. So when you put these chemicals into a living cell then is it carried directly to the roots that's under the surface of the scalp and over a period of time does those chemicals begin to sook into the skull affecting normal brain activity. This will effect the neocortex which has to do with sight and hearing. Your perception will become cloudy and your hearing dull. You will begin to take more delight in the decorating of the outter body and lose sight of the inner self of which all reflection and essence esteem from. This manufactoring and processing of the image by means of hair is one of the leading profit to the corporations and the dumbbing down of the woman. She will spend all her money on her hair and won't feed her kids or buy those things that's need for her family that's a shame. Remember the Most High made you a natrual person not a chemical based compound.

Lets sum the rest up. It's no telling what a woman of a low moral will do for money. She will prostitute herself, all prostitution doesn't envolve sex but the solicitation of the body to obtain money is a form of prostitution. You see this with the young sisters that are degrading themselves by showing off their bodys in these videos and media outlets just to obtain something of no value. This means that that woman doesn't value herself no more than paper. She has reduced her self vaule her self worth just to have something that is of no value at all. Something that's not backed by nothing of value never was and never will be. She delights in her polished nails, toes and jewerly because her self-esteem is so low that this makes her feel confident and meaningful but actual it shows her conditioned fallen state from her throne. She has been reduced from royalty to simple positions that constitutes a criminal. A criminal is one that commits crimes and in Barron's dicitonary of legal terms the word crime means: a wrong that the government has determined is injurious to the public, that causes injury, lost or damage. She has committed crimes against her nation by robbing her children of a mother, she has robbed her nation of their queens, she has murdered the hope of her nation by degradation and by killing the souls of the young girls and babies. She has resulted to hate crimes against herself by killing her essences of pure beauty.

She has injuried and murdered the image of her Kings, she has committed crime of passion by committing adultery with the corporations by laying with them accepting their products to alter herself. When she can be restored then can our nation breed royalty. We as men can only advance by the modesty of our women, she is the one that carries the nation of kings and gives birth to that generation. So we as men have to restore our women back and pull them out of the hands of the wicked one. LETS GET TO IT BROTHERS!!!
