Sunday, April 17, 2011

Pride vrs Intellect: The enemy of the Simple

A brain floating in a liquid-filled glass jar. Yellowing of the handwritten labels on the jar give the object an antique appearance.
The Human Brain
Shalom Brothers and Sisters,

Just wanted to do this quick note cause I'm seeing many are failing to utilize their neocortex to bring about simple understanding and the distinction between Pride and Intelligence. For many call one that is intelligent a person who think they know it all or Prideful. Now for those who don't know what the neocortex is, it's part of the brain that causes the individual to think, learn and memorize at a higher level than normal and the thing about this is, that every single person alive have this as part of their brain. Now the frontal lobes, which are associated with executive functions such as self-control, planning, reasoning, and abstract thought also play a key role in process information that's sent through out the body. So knowing this you have an understanding that man has the ability and connection to higher thinking, learning, reasoning and thoughts.

Now man has this high level of intelligence where did this come from lets find out.

Gen 5:1 This is the book of the generations of Adam. In the day that God created man, in the likeness of God made he him;

Deu 4:32 For ask now of the days that are past, which were before thee, since the day that God created man upon the earth, and ask from the one side of heaven unto the other, whether there hath been any such thing as this great thing is, or hath been heard like it?

Isa 45:12 I have made the earth, and created man upon it: I, even my hands, have stretched out the heavens, and all their host have I commanded.

Note: So you mean to tell me that the Most High created man in his image in which you should know that the Most High is all knowing and all wise in other words the Most High is a genius x infinity but man is in his likeness which means he has designed the brain to be of a high intellect to all so be able to know all things and to be all wise at his given level at which he functions. He has wonderfully abstracted and designed the brain out of himself so man can reason, think, learn, memorize and use logic O yeah and common sense.

Note: I'm not talking that nonsense stuff that you may get from man and call that intelligence such as porn, movies that promote violence etc.. just to name a few you get the point but intelligence where as man can function and teach at a higher level of being able to process key information that's relevant to his existence and his understanding of his creator. That man can use his brain to create his life pleasing unto the Most High rather it be in speech or advice given to others. So the brain was given to man for said reasons and beyond that. The mind is that place of communication with the Most High and this will give higher intellect to the brain.

Now that I done establish that intelligence is normal brain function it's just that many fail to tap into the neocortex and frontal lobes to become intelligent. So now lets focus on pride and see this come about. If you focus on the story of lucifer how he was full of pride but the thing about that is that all the angels was subject to this same fall but didn't which means that this is containable and it's something from with in.

Pro 16:18 Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall.

Note: Here in this precept it's stated that Pride goeth before destruction in which destruction means ruin, breach or broken. So what exactly is Pride

Pride is an inward directed emotion that exemplifies a complex secondary emotion which requires the development of a sense of self and is linked to a signal of high social status. Pride is an emotion just like love and hate. It's something from within, now ask yourself from within what? Lets break this down to the science.

Note: Now keep in mind that the neocortex and frontal lobe is the part of the brain in which basically is where intelligence comes from and a few other parts that I haven't discuss such as where the temple is at on the side of the head. So if pride, love and hate are emotions what produce these emotions. The brain produce these emotions lets dive into this. Now the Dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and the prefrontal cortex. The Dorsolateral prefrontal cortex controls the movement or actions and reactions and the prefrontal cortex controls the emotions that produce behavior in individuals. Now the brain produce a chemical called Neurotransmitters. In which neurotransmitters are endogenous chemicals which transmit signals from a neuron to a target cell across a synapse.

Note: So when you have a vast amount of this chemical released to the prefrontal cortex that produce emotions you have and over load of emotions which control behavior then when it's connected to the visual cortex then you have an individual that will see himself and is social status as being superior to others and now Pride is settled in. When this emotion is ran ramped then you can rest assure that that person is not going to focus on the Most High but on their beauty. They will focus on their accomplishments etc.. you get the point I'm making and this leads to a breach in the law of the Most High and exempts them from the blessings and protection of the Most High. Just like Satan they will get kicked out of his kingdom.


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