Monday, April 18, 2011

Who and What is this Leviathan?

Shalom Brothers and Sisters,

In this note I'm going to touch on this matter of this name leviathan and give you the profound truth about this leviathan. First lets lay some ground work to begin to build upon so we can have a solid foundation. Now most think that the OT that they have in there possession is of Hebrew authenticity when in fact it's not. I covered this in my note "Hands Behind the Pen Part 1" showing how in the 2nd century BC there was a man by the name of Ptolemy II Philadelphus who gather his scholars to translate the scriptures into a Greek version and it's called The Septuagint. So this word or name leviathan is actually Greek but because we have been given Hebrew meanings to Greek words we will get the meaning of this word in Hebrew which is strong's # 3882 which means wreathed animal, that is, a serpent (especially the crocodile or some other large sea monster). The thing about this is that this word leviathan wasn't used until the 14th century AD in middle English and Latin so this means that we need to also look to the English meaning of this word to get a clear understanding of this leviathan and to the precepts. So lets get the precepts in relevance to this.

Job 41:1 Canst thou draw out leviathan with an hook? or his tongue with a cord which thou lettest down?

Psa 104:26 There go the ships: there is that leviathan, whom thou hast made to play therein.

Psa 74:14 Thou brakest the heads of leviathan in pieces, and gavest him to be meat to the people inhabiting the wilderness.

Isa 27:1 In that day the LORD with his sore and great and strong sword shall punish leviathan the piercing serpent, even leviathan that crooked serpent; and he shall slay the dragon that is in the sea.

Note: These are all the precepts speaking about leviathan. Now lets get one more precept that lay upon Is 27:1 and that's Job 41:7 Canst thou fill his skin with barbed irons? or his head with fish spears? If you look at the Hebrew meaning of leviathan you will notice it says serpent and crocodile. Put two and two together how can you take a fish spears or to say fish hooks and penetrate the skin of an crocodile? So if you pay attention to Isa 27:1 it speaks of a dragon of the sea,
piercing serpent and a crooked serpent.

Note: So this makes sense when you look at the English meaning to this word which means a large sea animal and also a sea monster, identified in different passages with the whale and the crocodile, and with the Devil. Wow so you mean to tell me that this has nothing to do with pride, so you see how this fits perfectly with the precepts the Hebrew and English meaning of this word and name leviathan. Lets go further cause on of the meaning in English is that this name is linked to the devil. Now keep in mind what the Most High was asking Job in chapter 41 and what the precept said in Isa 27:1 cause this is an enemy of the Most High and the Most High is asking job who is a man can he just fish out a monster like the crocodile cause this leviathan is similar to thar of an animal like that of an crocodile and we all know what the serpent represent that's spoken of in Isa 27:1.

Note: Leviathan is one of the seven princes of Hell and its gatekeeper. The word has become synonymous with any large sea monster or creature. In classical literature (such as the novel Moby-Dick) it refers to great whales, which is another meaning in Hebrew. So leviathan is also link to one of the princes of hell that's a gatekeeper lets see where this came from. Now in the satanic bible written by Anton Szandor LaVey which states that leviathan is one of the princes in the demonic world that keeps the gate of hell and is represented by the Baphomet symbol. Durning the time of Anglo-Saxon English in the 12th century AD. It was believed that a creature that guarded the gates of hell and they began to paint pictures for this creature but the word wasn't used until middle English in the 14th century AD so we can understand when it states that Christ took the keys of hell and death cause death is also link to leviathan. We can also understand the comparison that Christ gave in regards to his death to that of Jonah being in the belly of the whale which is a sign of leviathan and how Christ said it's hell. So see people leviathan has nothing to do with Pride. There were many leviathans throughout mythology such as Lotan which is the correct name in Hebrew for leviathan, Behemoth, Adamaster, Aspidochelone, Kraken, Lilith, Tarasque, Tiamat and Ziz. Most of this comes from Greek mythology in which the OT has been translated into back in the 2nd century BC. Now in ancient Eastern origins. Leviathan and similar serpent-demons have a long history in ancient Near Eastern mythology, with a seven-headed serpent being overcome by a hero-god being attested as early as the 3rd millennium BCE in Sumerian iconography. Now in Jewish mythology Leviathan as a dragon who lives over the Sources of the Deep and who, along with the male land-dragon Behemoth, will be served up to the righteous at the end of time. In middle ages Christianity leviathan was used as an image of Satan, endangering both God's creatures by attempting to eat them and God's creation by threatening it with upheaval in the waters of Chaos. St. Thomas Aquinas described Leviathan as the demon of envy, first in punishing the corresponding sinners.Leviathan became associated with, and may originally have referred to, the visual motif of the Hellmouth, a monstrous animal into whose mouth the damned disappear at the Last Judgement, found in Anglo-Saxon art from about 800, and later all over Europe.

Note: Lets take a look at a couple of these other leviathans in history but under different names. You know that within mythology that one deity has multiple names but same meaning and function. Now in 480 BC there was a war that took place in ancient Persia against the Greeks. Now the Zarathustra which is an old Iranian word for Zoroaster in 628-551 BC, who founded a religion in ancient Persia. Now the land that is conquere takes on the one who won the war religion. Now in Zoroastrianism their adversary was named Angra Mainyu which became Satan to the Greeks. In Zoroastrianism is where you have and get the doctrine of angelology and demonology and later taken by Judaism. When Alexandra the Great conquered Persia, and Greek cities were built the Zoroastrianism religion was on a decline and continue until the Mohammedans and on. So the whole concept of this doctrine esteemed from Persia and later the Greeks in which they changed the names and had given the deities of Persia their Greek deities names. So leviathan is not new but stolen and switched to the Greeks name and later taught in demonology.

Note: Aspidochelone, According to the tradition of the Physiologus and medieval bestiaries, the aspidochelone is a fabled sea creature, variously described as a large whale or sea turtle, that is as large as an island, It rises to the surface from the depths of the sea, and entices unwitting sailors to make landfall on its huge shell which this is a direct connection to
One version of the Latin text of the Physiologus reads:

"There is a monster in the sea which in Greek is called aspidochelone, in Latin "asp-turtle"; it is a great whale, that has what appear to be beaches on its hide, like those from the sea-shore. This creature raises its back above the waves of the sea, so that sailors believe that it is just an island, so that when they see it, it appears to them to be a sandy beach such as is common along the sea-shore. Believing it to be an island, they beach their ship alongside it, and disembarking, they plant stakes and tie up the ships. Then, in order to cook a meal after this work, they make fires on the sand as if on land. But when the monster feels the heat of these fires, it immediately submerges into the water, and pulls the ship into the depths of the sea. Such is the fate of all who pay no heed to the Devil and his wiles, and place their hopes in him: tied to him by their works, they are submerged into the burning fire of Gehenna: for such is his guile."
Psa 104:26 There go the ships: there is that leviathan, whom thou hast made to play therein.

 One version of the Latin text of the Physiologus reads:
"There is a monster in the sea which in Greek is called aspidochelone, in Latin "asp-turtle"; it is a great whale, that has what appear to be beaches on its hide, like those from the sea-shore. This creature raises its back above the waves of the sea, so that sailors believe that it is just an island, so that when they see it, it appears to them to be a sandy beach such as is common along the sea-shore. Believing it to be an island, they beach their ship alongside it, and disembarking, they plant stakes and tie up the ships. Then, in order to cook a meal after this work, they make fires on the sand as if on land. But when the monster feels the heat of these fires, it immediately submerges into the water, and pulls the ship into the depths of the sea. Such is the fate of all who pay no heed to the Devil and his wiles, and place their hopes in him: tied to him by their works, they are submerged into the burning fire of Gehenna: for such is his guile.A similar tale is told by the Old English poem The Whale, where the monster appears under the name Fastitocalon. This is apparently a variant of Aspidochelone, and the name given to the Devil.

 Note: In Norse mythology, Jörmungandr (pronounced [ˈjœrmuŋɡandr']), mostly known as Jormungand, or Jörmungand or Midgard Serpent or World Serpent, is a sea serpent. Now according to the Norse mythology Jormungandr. The serpent grew so large that he was able to surround the Earth and grasp his own tail. When he lets go the world will end. As a result he earned the alternate name of the Midgard Serpent or World Serpent. Jörmungandr's arch enemy is the god Thor. So I have covered a few out of the many to show you that for one that there were more than one leviathan and two its from mythology and three its demonic. Shalom

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